Plan Features

See the full breakdown of what features are offered with each plan.

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Free Plan
Basic Plan
Standard Plan
Professional Plan
Enterprise Plan
Standard Consumption Plan
Enterprise Consumption Plan
Links per month 10 250 1K 5K 25K Unlimited Unlimited
Clicks Tracked 100 /mo 5K /mo 100K /mo 50K /mo 250K /mo Unlimited Unlimited
Click Tracking Retention 90 days 180 days 365 days 365 days 730 days Custom Custom
Target Link updates - -
Permanent redirects -
Conditional redirects - -
Parameter forwarding -
Custom 404 content -
Expiring links - -
UTM builder
Link tags -
Import links from CSV - -
QR Codes
QR Codes per month 5 100 250 1K 5K Unlimited Unlimited
Advanced QR shapes -
Custom colors -
Custom Logos -
Link in Bio pages
Link in Bio Pages 5 100 250 1K 5K Unlimited Unlimited
Custom fonts - -
Custom Domains -
Team Members - -
Team Members per account - - 1 2 5 2 5
API Access - -
API Rate - - 100 500 1000 1000 1000
Google Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication
GDPR compliant
Support - Standard Support Standard Support Standard Support Standard Support Standard Support Standard Support
SLA uptime - 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9%
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